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Innovating Healthcare through the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme

In today’s fast-paced world, innovation in healthcare is crucial for improving patient outcomes and driving efficiency within the system. The NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme stands at the forefront of fostering innovation by providing a platform for aspiring healthcare entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and bring positive change to the healthcare landscape.

Recognition of Excellence

The NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, delivered by Anglia Ruskin University, recently won the prestigious 2024 Health Service Journal, HSJ Partnership Award for Best Education Programme for the NHS. This accolade highlights the outstanding contributions to healthcare education and innovation made by the program.

Commitment to Innovation

Professor Tony Young OBE, Professor in Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Anglia Ruskin University, expressed excitement about the win, emphasizing the dedication of the team and NHS partners. The program remains committed to advancing healthcare education, promoting diversity, and driving healthcare transformation through innovation.

Seamless Application Process

The partnership between the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme and ensures an efficient and organized application process. Applicants are guided through a user-friendly portal designed to assess their innovative ideas and suitability for the program.

Application Management’s platform allows applicants to save their progress, ensuring completeness and accuracy in submissions. Only one application per applicant is permitted, emphasizing attention to detail. Successful applicants receive timely notifications and essential information through the platform.

Streamlined Collaboration

The collaboration between the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme and streamlines the application process, fostering innovation in healthcare while prioritizing efficiency and transparency. This partnership supports aspiring healthcare entrepreneurs in driving positive change within the NHS and beyond.

For more information and to begin your application journey, visit NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme.

To find out more about how we at can help you with your programme management please contact us to speak to one of the Submit Team.

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