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Keeping Your Company Safe And Organised At An Uncertain Time

Submission management software

The shock of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen changes never experienced before happen across the board for companies in every industry, worldwide, where it comes to getting work done.

As a lot of offices are attempting to get back to some form of normality, there are a lot of factors to consider for the future. It’s not an exaggeration to say that, while some businesses had continuity plans in place with respect to a standard emergency, it’s hard to imagine few, or indeed any, being ready for the level of commotion the last few months have seen.

Naturally it has never been more important to understand the flow of what comes next. Regarding this return to work, those that are in a particular state of transition and uncertainty can look to the state guidelines as to what comes next, and build from there before deciding on the best possible solution.

Take the construction industry as a focus in particular. Most companies in this industry will have a large flow of staff that will have to register their return to the office, and many steps would be required to get the site running again at as fast a pace as possible, or at least as can be reasonably expected.

With regards to how workplaces will change and evolve towards the end of this pandemic, and how the new standard will be in terms of this, remains to be seen. It is however very likely that this will see a marked change in both employer, and employee, preferences and practices.

The major expectation should be that of a more fluid, digital ready workplace. There are a number of challenges that have to be met to achieve this target. The return to work protocols mandated by the government speculate how this should operate, and each company would naturally hope they can adjust to these ideals.

The task of this system change may initially appear to be somewhat off-putting, but that’s where comes in to ensure the opposite. The advantages to ensure that the protocols are followed are numerous and make it advisable for any business to follow the same direction.

The benefits would be clear over time, especially where many questions regarding the change would be asked, but those that are especially worth looking at in some detail would include;

Helping to improve the organisation and overall flow of a company’s output

Embracing this organisational change on building sites would mean a range of positive aspects for the company. Some notable examples could include;  tracking employees on the site, ensuring logged hours are accurate, time sheets being made available in real time(and not at a later stage as can happen in busy workplaces) this will aid not only the day to day efforts, but also keep the level of efficiency itself at a higher standard.

Where many construction companies may have previously had a lack of investment in technology, or at least an old-fashioned approach to the system, the competitive nature should ensure that this change would rectify all those concerns.

The lead contractors would then have an overview of the site, knowing that all aspects of the business have been tested, double checked and that the relevant safety measures (which we’ll address in detail later) are in place. All employees on site would ideally have been compliant with these instructions, and the everyday workings of the operation would hopefully be smooth from that point onwards!

Saving costs while managing time effectively, with added benefits

Going paper free for these kinds of companies would mean less time having to transport and think about moving documents back and forth on busy work sites, making sure different members of staff remain updated even as instructions change quickly and constantly. Paper forms require a lot of operational time, delegating tasks and waiting for results which may not be as fast as hoped, so this is an area where digitisation would save an untold amount of time.

  In addition, those papers can be cost consuming. With the correct approach, the software can decrease the amount of money spent on printing forms and contracts.  There is also the undeniable factor of paper forms being easily misplaced, torn, lost…never something that is planned on directly, but regardless it can be amended with the type of solutions Submit can implement.

All of this adds to the productivity factors mentioned above too, because saving time searching or waiting for documents means everybody can stay up to date with their own work!

Keeping instructions clear and making sure everybody is on the same page

 As communication is so important, particularly in this climate, it’s also fair to say that this previous reliance on paper could sometimes delay crucial information. This is another notable advantage where digital software both saves and sends documents in real time to avoid this wastage, or any potential misunderstandings, and see an improvement in daily operations.

As the government continues to give advice to workplaces on the next logistical steps, the documents that they provide will also be vital to observe and understand, and this should be absorbed by workers as such.

Occupational health and safety should ensure staff are kept up to date with these measures, with those members of staff following their own directions as information comes in to the workplace. This approach to these new rules and regulations has to be clear.

Overall, this should lead to more efficiency in the workplace, as instructions appear transparently in the digital system.

Which leads us on to health and safety…

Making safety and security a priority, in a time where it is vital

This question of safety and security is the most vital, in addition to the current events surrounding the pandemic. Going digital would help reduce the risk factors, as well as an additional boost for staff morale and confidence on site. There are many additional new aspects to the job which need to be discussed and considered, and these will also take a lot of time in getting used to.

Necessary guidance on how to maintain safe practice is always in place on any construction site. Operatives now having to additionally worry about the COVID-19 factor means that what may be complicated has to be communicated well. Regular screening of employees showing fitness and ability for physical work is something that will become normal in the meantime, in order to decrease as much as possible the chance of any spread. This essential information would be kept rigorously up to date.

Digital forms would also help strengthen the social distancing measures, and also in managing the new directives effectively. The detailed guidelines would also include such examples of using contact free transfer notes. This is an advantage as removing the need for the physical documents would ensure that nothing could become contaminated and cuts back on person to person contact as much as possible.

The additional elements that now need to be considered on worksites include the need for additional PPE and the constant monitoring of hygiene. Submit would ensure that all of these updates in the system are transferred with the minimum of stress, helping to make the site safer in the process.

The digital picture of the construction industry’s future

Overall, as a huge number of businesses worldwide adapt to the ‘work from home’ resurgence, the construction industry is ready to experience its own changes too. These particular plans could be followed for decades to come when implemented, and they will broadly define the benefit of changing to the digital landscape. The businesses in the construction industry that have not yet followed suit will soon see that now is the perfect time to update to this procedure, and given the unique ‘restarting’ point that many now have, it is hard to argue.

Ultimately every business will have different factors that have to be considered with, and all of these measures are going to take time to get used to, but the benefits are there for all to see. Submit is committed to aiding all of this, whether you are an existing customer, or looking to implement new systems for the first time. The team is ready and willing to help you through all stages of the process to get to this stage, to prepare for the future and these will take effect as soon as possible. While nothing about this pandemic has been predictable or reassuring, it is our mission statement to keep your business flowing as smoothly as possible and up to date at all times!

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