• Team & Roles

    Granular team permissions to suit any structure and workflow

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Manage your teams permissions

Allow team members to only see what they need to see

Team leaders

Team Leaders can access all Programs and can edit the Workspace settings. Team Leaders have granular control over individual Team Member permissions.

Team members

Team Member accounts are created by Team Leaders. Every Team is different, and depending on your needs, you can set up Team Member permissions accordingly.

External reviewers

External Reviewers can access folders that have been explicitly shared with them. Folders contain applications External Reviewer needs to access.

The following permissions can be granted or revoked by Team Leaders:

  • Edit Appearance (allow the Team Member to edit the look and feel of the Workspace – colour scheme, logos, images and font style.)
  • Access to Programs
  • Create/Edit/Delete Programs
  • Create other Users
  • Edit Applications (allow the Team Member to edit candidate answers for complete applications – an audit trail of all edits is maintained.)
  • Delete Applications
  • Delete Candidates

By choosing the correct permissions for each Team Member, you can ensure that your Team can carry out their roles efficiently and can only access data that they need.

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