Stop drowning in paperwork
Streamline your application and review process and capture the information you need to make better faster decisions.
Streamline your application and review process and capture the information you need to make better faster decisions.
We are trusted by leading organisations around the world.
The competition to attract the best graduates has intensified in recent years. The path to attract the best talent is widely believed to be via intern & graduate programmes. These programmes typically entice candidates with their development training and distinct career opportunities.
Using the platform engages these candidates through a submission workflow that is conducive to information gathering in 2018.
We truly believe you can gather information in a more natural way hence why we developed our ChatUi form interface modelled on modern messengers that people use each day such as Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger.
Technical support and training included.
No separate support fees!
submissions collected and managed
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monitoring and encrypted backups
To collect, manage and evaluate academic submissions
Create an unlimited number of submission programs to accommodate a variety of requirements and seamlessly manage a few or a few thousand submissions.
Full control over your own domain, direct submissions to a branded portal where they can easily complete and track all requirements and collaboration with you and your team through the process
Share your form online with our friendly Url shorter It’s as simple as creating your form which generates your shortened link and custom QR Code, then share online and on social media
It’s easy to accept all traditional file upload formats (e.g. pdf, jpg, png, mov, mp4 etc.) giving you the freedom to request, transcripts, documents, photos, videos and much more as part of your submission process. Through seamless integration we also allow candidates to link to files with all major cloud services like Dropbox, Soundcloud, Youtube and Vimeo
Streamline the application process by dynamically changing the application questions based on the users answers.
Automatically calculate totals, scores & formulas within tables while completing to simplify submissions and reduce errors.
Request feedback and input from your applicants and external reviewers on your program’s performance.
Customise the workflows for each of your programs. Create single-stage, or multi-stage, submissions processes. Keep your candidate/applicant interested and engaged in the process using a phased approach to your long-form online submissions. You can invite a successful applicant/candidate to the next phase of their submission process with a simple auto-generated congratulations and invite to next phase email.
No complicated coding or web design skills needed just build beautiful fully mobile responsive forms fast using 30 different question types including video interview and media uploads. incorporates the ability to set up pre-set questions to answer live on video for the candidate and recorded for you! No more scheduling of phone or Skype calls!
Sketch out a drawing or annotate over an image upload. It’s as simple as creating a sketch or taking an image from within the app and drawing over it with their finger.
Make applicants and their answers anonymous. Hide the applicant’s identity or highly personal information on a question, section, or page basis.
Request a digital signature as part of your submission form. It works beautifully on touchscreen devices with the applicant using the best pointing device their finger.
Whether you want to collect fees, allow people to register for a paid event, or sell services within your submissions, we’ve made it as easy as just asking question. And with our partner Stripe, you’ll enjoy PCI compliance and fraud protection.
This is the process of identifying a submission by validating they are whom they say they are. The applicant must confirm the authentication by clicking a unique link within the set up email that was created by linking them back to the application.
Assign interviews to successful submissions and trigger email notifications to applicants with links for acceptance etc.
Export data easily via CSV and use for evaluation, archiving, reporting, auditing and import integration with any other systems.
Create custom reports to analyze applicant and evaluation data. Filter by criteria to quickly identify the data you are looking for.
Automate repetitive administrative tasks. Automatically sort and filter applications, send notification messages, move applicants between stages, and more using manual and auto-tagging.
Provide granular, role-based permissions to your staff and external reviewers, and maintain audit trails of all actions.
Update applicants and external evaluators with status notifications and reminders sent via email.
Generate scores or points for qualitative values for specific answers, to help you quickly evaluate academic submissions.
Easily share your data with others via CSV and PDF exports. Excel-ready exports for evaluation making archiving, reporting, and auditing simple.
Safely & securely update applicants and external evaluators with status notifications and reminders sent via email right from within the platform. makes it easy for your evaluation committee to read, comment and score. Custom build any type of evaluation questions into your app. You can also custom build executive summary forms for interviews and candidate meetings.
Fully GDPR compliant. No more posting, emailing confidential information to external evaluation members. All communications kept securely within the app.
Reduce your administrative burden by organizing reviews into logical folders. Assign evaluations on a group basis with a single click.
Experience a demo and receive a FREE 14 day fully supported trial. Sign up today, no credit card required