How Digital Award Ceremonies Continue To Thrive Online
This is undoubtedly a worrying time for most professionals, not least in circles where participants and awarding hosts are concerned regarding ventures that are looking to go forward. How to manage award presentations and ceremonies and whether they can go ahead is a question that is now being posed by the minute within the industry. While it is crucial that all parties remain healthy and active first and foremost, there are many examples of how awards and prize giving functions have been able to go ahead in the current climate.
Creating virtual video ceremonies is now possible using contributors from around the world in technical capacities, particularly as video and audio producers. The order of having these functions naturally brings up questions as to whether the excitement and experience can still be shared while maintaining the set-up online.
It is difficult to say how things will be in the long term, and how virtual events themselves may evolve over future periods. Though one could possibly predict that over time they will become more refined and common to people’s experience, as we already are aware that programmes on tv, radio and streaming services have adapted to this climate in interviews and panels alike.
We will look at a few case studies that are relevant to this question, as well as the key factors that Submit can contribute to in terms of aiding award ceremonies and making the process itself go much smoother.
New awards and a relevant case study
‘Technology Ireland’ has just recently announced a new ‘tech 4 good’ category in its annual awards category. Given that this is occurring in a year of changes across every department, it’s a very brave choice to add a new type of award to the list of outstanding categories.
The awards themselves give thanks to the successful entrepreneurs and innovative creation within the sector of technology. As with any awards now going ahead, this year’s will be online and streamed in November 2020. With nine categories to look through, from achievement in international growth, to tech innovation and company of the year, it is a busier ceremony than most and a big undertaking all round.
The director Una Fitzpatrick has talked to the media about the significance of hosting the awards, and how they are so beneficial in going ahead. ‘These awards recognise and celebrate those companies who have achieved exceptional success and developed innovative digital technologies, across nine award categories.’ While agreeing that the pandemic has made the year a difficult one, Una did state that the preceding events have ‘underlined Ireland’s technology sector as a cornerstone of the country’s economic and social infrastructure.’
This is a positive view regardless of the developing news in the background, as it showcases the determination involved by all to continue in giving thanks and praise to those who have earned it in their respective fields. While acknowledging that all of this is not possible without hurdles to negotiate, Technology Ireland can be used as a hugely positive example to take such steps forward.
Submit and the global entrepreneurship summit
A significant case study relevant to Submit, is that of ‘The Next Web’ from the Netherlands. Their organisation is both a news site, and annual series of conferences, which focuses on new technology and start-ups across Europe. By promoting entrepreneurs and tech savvy components through the sector, The Next Web is clearly a busy and forward-thinking enterprise.
Carolina Lapa and Nivida Lamichahane, members of the company’s Innovation Program Team, were initially using ‘Typeform’ to collect the applications and paperwork necessary to use. They found this to be problematic, as it provided no clear path to managing and assessing all of the information. Once turning their efforts to Submit, the process became much smoother and more transparent, as Nivida notes about the set-up; ‘It would have been easier if we’d started the process of registration and application via Submit, instead of transferring the information for evaluation manually to the platform as we did.’
Despite the complex nature of the work, having a clear system meant that exclusive folders were given to 50 judges responsible for each category of the awards, and that there were no complications within this.
Carolina was impressed with the switch, and talks positively about the partnership; “Submit did a wonderful job finding solutions to last-minute issues. In our experience working with innovative companies, that’s by far the most important step towards a successful future.”
More about this specific case study, as well as other stories of successful customer partnerships with Submit, can be read here;
Adapting awards with existing technology and the process at Submit
The awards themselves continue to break new ground in terms of the collaborations between video producers, professional broadcasters, as well as the flexibility of sponsors, judges, supporters and winners. The global team work on display very much showcases the tech and management sectors at their best. While many even relish the challenge to think outside of the box, as it can be seen as an opportunity to hone skills and techniques in a different way.
The challenge of recreating the live event for an audience that will share a viewing experience as opposed to a fully attended one is a massive one, logistically speaking. They would require clear, concise instructions as to how each contributor would produce content and prepare for each specific award. Team events will be able to happen when restrictions are introduced, though in general it is a very fortunate convenience that the technology available has proved adept at providing this platform of entertainment. If the pandemic itself had happened more than ten years ago, these kinds of events would just not have been possible.
Helping awards hosts and organisers alike be more comfortable before it gets to the event is one of the core functions of the team at Submit. Helping to maintain the ceremonies that see the award nominees and winners alike get to attend a ceremony is an added bonus, as using the necessary application forms is something that the team will take care of without any worry or additional stress on your company’s part. The process of going through forms is one that applicants will find user-friendly and accessible in terms of understanding the required information, as well as saving time in using it.
This information is accessible for the team using it, those in the technical capacity as well as awards hosts and judges. There are various functions that make this interface user friendly and the reasons why they have received such positive feedback will become apparent too. From the perspective of the Submit team, any queries or questions can be accessed and replied to rapidly in the process of using the software. More specific information regarding the application process, and the different stages involved, can be read here on our website.
A free trial is also available there, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team who are ready to help at all times!