talent casting

Talent Casting Using Submit: Customer Stories

Here at Submit, we constantly strive to build a platform that’s simple yet as powerful as possible for our customers. That means taking the lengthy, multi-layered phases of a review and turning it into a smart, intuitive and streamlined process that’s easy to use and helps our customers focus on the bigger picture. 

And when it comes to talent and casting, an industry that has several fast-moving parts behind the scenes, building a system that’s engaging, saves time and helps teams make better decisions, isn’t a nice to have—it’s a must.

We’ve dug into the process for two of our talent and casting customers, COCO Content and Youngest Media, to show how Submit has helped them streamline their review, simplify the application experience for candidates, and save heaps of time.

COCO Content: Bringing Ireland’s favourite TV shows to your living room

If you enjoy a Sunday in front of the telly with a cup of tea, you probably know the wonderful team at COCO.

They’re the leading television and media production company behind some of Ireland’s favourite TV shows, like First Dates Ireland, Room To Improve and Don’t Tell The Bride Ireland.

But before the shows reach our telly, there’s a ton of work that goes into selecting people for each episode. Thousands of candidates send their applications for a chance to star on the shows, and it’s the talent and casting team’s job to sift through each of them to select the best ones. It’s a process that can take months.

To make the process run as smoothly as possible, and to make sure they can efficiently select from the thousands of applicants, COCO use Submit. 

Let’s look at First Dates Ireland. When COCO produced the Irish version of the internationally-loved reality series, they needed a way to streamline the 4,000 applications they received. 

Making multi-phase applications a breeze

If you’re responsible for reviewing talent and casting applications, you might be concerned about the different layers of the application process and how to organise them as painlessly as possible. 

Let’s say you need to review applications for a dating show like First Dates Ireland. You might ask applicants to first go through a phone interview, then a completed application form, then perhaps on to a short uploaded video clip. 

With Submit, those multiple stages don’t need to be a cause for headache. A multi-phased approach to the application process is easy to set up and manage so candidates can swiftly move to the next stages of their application, saving drafts of the previous ones if necessary.

COCO set up the various stages of the application in just a few clicks, so candidates are guided through the whole process in a way that’s smooth and easy to follow.

Youngest Media: Challenging the nation with the toughest quiz

From one of the toughest quizzes ever seen on TV to award-winning Game of Clones and brutally hilarious Date or Dump, Youngest Media is a fast-growing television production company for a global audience.

In 2017, Youngest Media were looking for a smart way to manage their casting process and modernise the way their teams handled applications. Before joining Submit, they accepted applications via word documents and kept them in a shared drive for review.

But as the number of candidates increased and Youngest Media grew, manually tracking the data from applications (like gender, age, location, etc.) became a time-consuming headache. 

By moving their process over to Submit’s platform, the team at Youngest found that not only did they have the capacity to add more casting applications, but that the new process starting saving them days of the casting producer’s time.

Reviewing casting with Submit

When it comes to modern casting, there’s more than meets the eye. 

When the applications roll in to be on the next TV show, the productions’ reviewing teams have thousands of applications to sort through, as well as video interviews. From pre-screening candidates to navigating multi-phased applications, Submit helps TV shows run a smooth transition from application to launch with an all-in-one powerful talent casting software.

Keeping candidates engaged with intuitive forms

One stage of the process that’s commonly overlooked by TV shows is the initial application form. Outdated forms with clunky interfaces can annoy and deter applicants in a matter of seconds, which is why we’ve made sure that building forms on Submit’s platform is intuitive, smart and beautiful at the same time. 

It’s the first impression candidates get, so it’s important to make it count—our customers create modern, branded forms that are easy to navigate and keep applicants engaged throughout.

Minimise the clutter of multi-phased applications 

Another key feature for talent casting is the multi-phased application process—gone are the days of receiving applications through a mix of email, telephone and video attachments. 

Using Submit, our customers in the talent casting business can bring each phase into one easy to use platform. From the initial applications to the phone interview to the video recording, applicants can do it all from the same place. Less clutter, faster decisions.

Evaluate candidates faster and smarter

If you’ve ever been bogged down with mountains of applications and not enough time to respond to them all, you’re not alone.

Our customers make use of Submit’s bulk messaging features to communicate with potential candidates in a fair and human way. Responding to individual applicants separately isn’t always possible (especially if you’re reviewing large volumes)—with Submit, you can customise each and every message that goes out and ensure everyone’s kept in the loop at all times.

Let applicants know the status of their application throughout the multiple phases and easily set up email reminders, all from within the platform.

Power your next TV show with Submit

If you’re thinking about how to manage your next round of submissions, Submit can help. We know there are lots of constantly moving parts behind the scenes of TV talent casting and it’s easy to get weighed down by complicated processes.

Request a demo of the platform and join some of the UK and Ireland’s most loved TV shows in streamlining their submissions and getting more done, in less time.