start up innovation

Innovation In Boosting Start-Ups, Making Work Transparent And Efficient

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It is true that great start-ups and professional non-profit organisations alike want to have a positive impact in today’s world, while doing the best job possible to attract the finest talent to do so. While non-profits may have a clear…
Academia Submissions

Academia And The Ever-Changing Face Of Form Submissions

The industry of education is continuously changing at this point in the 21st century, and given the events surrounding the global pandemic, this will clearly not slow down any time soon. With regards to life in the academic surroundings, predominantly…

Video Application Questions; Making Them The Right Way!

In terms of an application process, the subject of ‘video questions’ is one that can be so useful in terms of timing and planning. How to do it in the right way in terms of engagement and how to get the attention of potential employers…
awards online, virtual awards

How Award-Based Events Can Continue To Be Hosted Successfully Online

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The practice of giving, and certainly receiving, awards in something to be celebrated. That’s why at Submit we are keen to show examples of how the process and management status is set up to ensure that these events can continue to be held,…

Grant Management Systems Focus: Philanthropy

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From the beginning of the year 2020, it’s fair to say nobody could have imagined the trials that the world would face. These are as much in health and various economies, as they are in regards to the constant disparity that those in underserved…

How Innovation And Creativity Can Be Maintained In This Climate

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Many companies are beginning to benefit from a necessary change of approach in the current predicament. The reason being, a reluctance to change in the past has now become forced, and because of this a lot of ‘outside the box’ thinking…
Granular permissions, teams, working from home

Working From Home Made Easier With Submit; Granular Team Permissions To Suit Any Structure And Workflow

With working from home accelerating to such a level that would never have been imagined pre-2020, it’s a good time to look at aspects of how this can all be managed. How the nature of the job itself flows is always a different matter, but…
Is Your Process Old-School? Start Automating These 5 Tasks For Your Next Review

Is Your Process Old-School? Start Automating These 5 Tasks For Your Next Review.

Good old-school throwbacks: one-player Solitaire. Tamagotchi. Lava lamps Bad throwbacks: clunky, outdated technology. In the explosive digital era we live in, there’s not much room for slow processes (unless you want to be bogged down…
grant application, future proof, non-profit

Non-Profit Organisations; Face The Future, Or Be Trapped In The Past

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More often than not, the time for change in business (as in life) comes at an unexpected turn, and it’s true that not everything can be planned for. However, when it comes to the approach of companies in need of updating, what the arrival…
Start-up employees using’s accelerator management software in the office

Accelerators And Incubators; Continuously Providing Opportunities

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When it comes to the topic of entrepreneurs and setting up businesses for the first time, some common phrases that are used may not be so obvious to those new to the industry. ‘Accelerators’ and ‘Incubators’ are two such examples…
Data Protection, GDPR, Online Security

Security: More Data Than Ever Imaginable Is Now Online. How Do We Safeguard It?

It was inevitable that businesses and corporations alike would digitise and move their respective content online, in the last two decades particularly. However, the rate at which this then occurred was unprecedented, and they were joined by…

8 Fundamental Steps To Running A High-Converting Online Contest

Like any other marketing campaign, it’s all about strategy.  So before you can start building your contest and getting it out into the world, you need to break down each step of the process, from ideation all the way to the post-contest…
Since the lockdown, academic submissions from women have dropped drastically while research papers from men have risen up to 50%. Here’s how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting female scholars.

Why Women Are Submitting Less Academic Research During COVID-19

Are women publishing less during the pandemic? Are women publishing less during the pandemic?According to an investigation released by the Washington Post, academic journals are seeing a substantial dip in women submission research papers.…
submission MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, collaborative review

7 Ways Submit Can Help You Build A Better Collaborative Review

If your business has to make any decision in a team, that’s a collaborative review. But the more people involved in a review, the longer the process, right? Not necessarily. Building a collaborative review doesn’t need to add more…
work from home, reports, tags

Transforming Office Output In The Digital Age

It’s safe to say that this pandemic has helped a lot of workers and companies alike find new ways to adapt to work and their output in general. Some of these methods have proven hugely positive, while others may have taken a little longer…

Academic Submissions; Making Life Easier

Academic research is time consuming in and of itself at the best of times. So, the prospect of saving time to process, upload and organise hundreds of thousands of applications is surely a ‘no brainer’. With a flexible approach…
Submission management software

Keeping Your Company Safe And Organised At An Uncertain Time

The shock of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen changes never experienced before happen across the board for companies in every industry, worldwide, where it comes to getting work done. As a lot of offices are attempting to get back to some…

Grant Management Systems In The Current Climate

It is an unprecedented age which has seen huge disruption to businesses and communication worldwide, so naturally it has never been more important to plan for the next stage of development. The grant management system exists to provide businesses…
7 areas where technology can simplify submission management |

7 Examples Where Technology Can Simplify Submission Management

It is no news that technology is evolving and there is an influx of innovative technologies heralding the advancement of the digital age. In response to this, the global industrial landscape is fast integrating the power of modern technology…