Entries by Dee Butler

Meeting Demands and Adapting to Digitization

The last two years have been a test for virtually every professional organisation, in terms of adapting to a new age of work from home and uprooting all forms of routine work practices, almost worldwide. This has been no different for Cork City Council in terms of acclimatizing work processes to a new digital system, […]

Creativity In Business Solutions

To say that 2020 & 2021 were one of the most eventful years of modern times is putting it mildly. There are those who have faced great challenges in the last 24 months and, rather than accepting some form of defeat, have rallied to preserve their businesses or way of life in as much as […]

6 Fundamental Tips For Rapid-Response Grantmaking

With so many communities around the world currently facing urgent needs, more grantmakers are adding rapid-response practices to their list of priorities. The grant management process is a complex one. It’s multi-layered, multi-phased and requires a lot of planning.  But while those many moving parts are vital to the process, the pandemic we’re facing isn’t […]

Start-Ups And Strong Business Strategies To Follow

The pace of technology and updating it has become a more crucial factor of life than would have even been predicted throughout this year. Investment is also key in making a difference in this changing world, and within that focus of IT and business, innovators are keen to address new opportunities as they present themselves. […]

Enterprise Boards; Being Ready For The Future

It could reasonably be expected that the majority of companies and operations are now using adaptable technology in some way or another, particularly in the era of COVID-19.  There are within this both opportunities and potential pitfalls to be considered. On the subject of Enterprise boards in Ireland, we will look at a few recent […]

How Philanthropy Is Being Shaped Differently By COVID-19

A number of corporations have stepped up efforts greatly throughout this pandemic, at a time where many aspects of life are under threat globally. The world has been greatly affected by the menace of COVID-19, and it is of the utmost importance that access to materials, testing and equipment are readily available for healthcare professionals. Things […]

9 Tips For Hosting A Virtual Awards Ceremony During COVID-19

The sheer thought of hosting an awards ceremony in our current climate might make a few people run for cover, but in true Submit spirit, this is all about re-evaluating, rethinking and adapting. Virtual events have been popular since way before our world got hit by the pandemic, it’s just never been the only option. […]

Education In The Digital Future

A lot has been mentioned about the opportunities for business, innovative advances in technology, and how a number of entrepreneurs have accelerated their start-ups this past year. Less of a focus in the news is how education is changing, not just because of the pandemic, but for the purpose of flexibility, movement and convenience. Keeping […]

The Future Of Higher Education In A Post-Pandemic World

The pandemic has turned higher education upside down on its head.  With its closures and openings, and part closures, then further openings, students and teachers around the country are frustrated—and rightly so. But rather than focusing on how to recover the existing education system as we know it, have the pandemic-related changes to higher education […]

Responding To The Virus: QR Code Contact Tracing Forms

While the world rolls out the various vaccines available for the coronavirus, it’s still up to us to continue to keep each other safe. And for businesses that have been permitted to re-open and the lifting of restrictions, there’s still a lot of worry about protecting staff, customers, and visitors from infections.  In the hospitality […]

4 Holistic Ways To Promote Your CSR Initiative (Without Being Pushy)

Over the last few months, we’ve spoken a lot about CSR.  During a time in which businesses have been bravely stepping out of their comfort zone in response to the pandemic, we’re constantly impressed and humbled with all the innovation and giving we’ve seen. In case you missed it, here’s where we rounded up five […]

Grant Management: Embracing The Changes

The subject of grants management has recently come in for a lot of debate in the last number of years, in terms of how it is such a rewarding, but also developing job. Recently that used to mean a lot of manual tracking, write ups, paper trails and other administrative tasks coming to the fore. […]

7 Key Techniques For High-Performance Group Decision Making

Group decision making is tough, no matter the circumstance. Business trends tell us that large pools of knowledge equal a superior outcome—but by now we know that more heads don’t necessarily mean better ideas.  In a group review process, opinions get distorted, influenced, glorified, hushed or pushed into a corner. Individual biases creep up. Power […]

These 7 Grant Management Mistakes Will Cost You Big Time

The common goal of any funder is that organisations awarded with the grant do what they proposed, within the required budget, and generate some positive press in return. And while the world of philanthropy doesn’t always go according to plan, there are a few ways grant managers themselves slip up in the process.  For the […]

6 Non-Negotiable Questions To Ask When Choosing An Incubator Programme

How can you spot a successful incubator programme?  The focus of an incubator is to replicate the kind of real-world business support that stretches way beyond what you might learn in business school. There are no exam questions or theory projects. An incubator programme’s goal is to put entrepreneurs through their paces, prepare them for […]

Benefits Of The Innovation Portal

As technology changes and accelerates at an even faster pace around the world, there will always be new elements that have to be shown with examples of how they work and can be implemented. How to protect against similar outcomes in the future is something that many companies, organisations, schools and various businesses in the […]

Should Small Companies Care About CSR ? An Honest Answer

When you think of CSR, do you automatically think of huge enterprises like McDonald’s, Microsoft, Disney or LEGO?  Sustainable business practices are being pursued and promoted by businesses of all sizes—even the itty bitty tiny two-person team.  But you’d be forgiven for thinking CSR is reserved for the big kids. They’re the ones that run […]

Here’s How To Streamline All 3 Phases Of The Grant Cycle

When it comes to philanthropy, funders have almost as much administrative work as the actual grantmaking itself.  And while you can’t remove any aspects of the planning, implementation and management process, you can certainly streamline each step and simplify things as much as possible. Along with best practices for grantmakers, we’ve put together four ways […]

The 3 Types Of Innovation Every Business Needs To Know

Innovation has become such a buzzword in recent years that it’s hard to remember what it actually means. Companies often declare ‘we need to start innovating!’ or more commonly, ‘we are an innovative company’—but what does that actually mean? Innovative how? And what area of innovation are they talking about? We need specifics around here. […]